What man is attracted to a woman who thinks that she’s not worth anything? You need to have the confidence and self-esteem to project dateability.
Everyone has positive qualities, even if they don’t realize it. Okay, so you don’t have a job or you don’t have a degree or you had a bad relationship—that doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t be an understanding, compassionate, interesting and fun girlfriend. Everyone deserves a chance to give their best qualities to a partner, no matter their circumstances. You need to remember that you have a lot to offer and soon enough a handsome man will too!
Step 2: Present a Positive Attitude
Now that you’ve figured out that you deserve a happy relationship, you need to adjust your attitude so you can attract one. If you keep expecting to attract the wrong kind of guy, you’re projecting low expectations and a pessimistic attitude about love. So who do you think will be attracted to that? A pessimistic guy who isn’t looking to meet ambitious expectations and who doesn’t want a lot of boyfriend responsibilities. If you don’t present a positive attitude, you’re not going to catch the eye of a positive guy.
There’s a quick tip to help keep your attitude positive, especially useful for those of you who hate dating. Approach every situation as though you’re going to to have a good time. Arrive to every date confident that the man on the other side of the table is going to be the love of your life. Because one of these times, he will be!
Step 3: Figure Yourself Out
If you’ve mastered the first two steps and you still can’t seem to land a quality man, there might be a problem with your process. Do you know who you’re looking for? I’m not looking for a list like “Tall, dark and handsome.” Do you know what kind of relationship you want? If you haven’t decided what you’re looking for, how can you expect to find someone who satisfies you?
You don’t have to settle for being a jerk-magnet. Use these three steps to change yourself instead of trying to change a dirtbag into a quality boyfriend.
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